Wednesday, August 25, 2010

CotD: Gengar (Arceus)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Gengar, more commonly known as "CurseGar." If you know me, I HAD to start my blog with this fantastic card! CurseGar is one of the best cards in the format, in my opinion. First off, it's Poke-Power, Curse, is great, being able to move damage around on your opponent's Pokemon. Curse can really help set up for the spread of Gengar Lv. X, or it can even get that KO that you were 10 HP away from getting last turn. And to set up for the Curse, Gengar's Shadow Skip attack does 60 to the active and 10 to the bench, AND you get to switch Gengar with one of your benched Pokemon! This is really helpful if you are playing some sort of a lock deck, as CurseGar is usually paired with Spiritomb AR or Mr. Mime MT (Now rotated out). Another great aspect of this card is it's non-existent retreat cost! Free retreat is the best! The weakness is also nice, being that it is not x2, and the resistance is pretty good. Overall, Gengar may be the Best Card In Format!

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